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Oil Is Bringing the Arctic to a Rapid Boil

Encroaching Business Interests Photo Source: Reuters Climate is the new game changer Lloyd’s of London estimates that Arctic oil and

The Northern Gateway Pipeline: Why Social License Has Been Denied

Map Source: Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines While The Northern Gateway Pipeline debate is loaded with emotion, objectivity and trust are

Loblaw’s and Supply Chain Management: Uncovering the details of the Rana Plaza Collapse

Photo Source: It’s early in the morning on April the 24th. Workers file in to start another day on

What Can Canadian Companies Do To Trade Responsibly With China?

By the end of 2011 there were over 2,500 Canadian companies in China. Like most western companies they have benefitted

Doing Business with China without Selling Our Soul

Standing in front of a Beijing Starbucks on a polluted October day I wondered what would approval of the Nexen–CNOOC

Understanding Eggs

 Eggs don’t seem so complicated until you stand in front of the egg shelf at a grocery store wondering which

E-waste: Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Grand houses, luxury cars, piles of electronic waste, and a blackened river are common sights in Guiyu, a small town

Chinese Investment in Canadian Energy and Natural Resources: Boon or Bogey Man?

Since Prime Minister Harper changed his government’s policy on China, Canada is welcoming, indeed encouraging Chinese investment. According to Department